ArcolinuxB-plasma 的使用心得
ArcolinuxB-plasma 是 Arcolinux 旗下的一項產品,是一個基於 Arch Linux 的作業系統,以 KDE Plasma作為桌面環境。
我用過多類的 Arch Based 的 Distros,例如 Manjaro、 EndeavoueOS、 Granado、 RebornOS、 Archman Linux、 XeroLinux 和 Arcolinux 等,我個人最喜歡是 Arcolinux,其次是 EndeavoueOS。桌面環境則愛上了 KDE Plasma。
我經常有使用 Acestream Player 的習慣。我發覺安裝完 ArcolinuxB-plasma 後,不可以立即作系統更新 (System Update),這樣做便安裝不了 Acestream Player (不知合故?),一定要先安裝 Acestream Player,然後才作系統更新。我的整個安裝流程如下:
Download ArcolinuxB-plasma from SourceForge :
利用 Calameres 安裝 ArcolinuxB-plasma
Preinstalled useful App:
Firefox, KDE Connect, Add/Move Software, Arch Linux Tweak Tool, Grub Customizer, Discover, Gparted, Spectacle
Before System update (!) use Add/Remove Software to install Acestreamplayer
Update the System
sudo pacman -Syu (S = sync, y = refresh, u = update)
Install office suite
sudo pacman -S libreoffice-fresh
Install useful applications
sudo pacman -S youtube-dl yt-dlp ibus ibus-table-chinese avidemux-qt smplayer shotcut transmission-gtk
yay -S noto-fonts-cjk freefilesync-bin gnome-disk-utility plasma5-applets-weather-widget-2 protonvpn qmplay2 losslesscut-bin
Temperature widget
Add wudget --> plasma5-applets-weather-widget-2
config--> metno--> Displayed as Sha Tin, HK
System Settings for KDE Arch
night color --> activate night color, custom, 5500K + 4000K
Power --> energy saving --> uncheck screen energy saving
Screen --> screen locking --> uncheck losck screen automatically
Removable devices --> automount – All known Devices - tick
Theme -->
Application Style --> Breez
Plasma Style --> Arc Dark
Colors --> Arc Dark
Fonts -- > 11
Icons --> Adwaita
Autostart --> Add -->Add Application --> Smplayer
Configure Digital Clock:
Information --> Date Always beside time, show seconds,
Date Format --> Custom (ddd d MMM),
Use Disks to auto-mount the Hard Disks
Alternative method of Installing Acestreamplayer :
You can install snap with the following:
git clone
cd snapd
makepkg -si
the systemd unit that manages the main snap communication socket needs to be enabled:
sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket
enable classic
support, enter the following to create a symbolic link between
sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
wait for a while to ensure snap’s paths are updated correctly.
snap install acestreamplayer
Pacman and Yay programs are preinstalled. Pamac (Add/Remove Software) is installed with flatpak and snap support (in Preferences) so Acestreamplayer can be installed (use Add/Remove Software) and run successfully.
Discover is also preinstalled. With Discover, you can manage software from multiple sources, including your operating system's software repository, Flatpak repos, the Snap store, or even AppImages from
Finally, Discover also allows you to find, install, and manage add-ons for Plasma and all your favorite KDE apps!